Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Wow! Technology options for education are changing faster than the speed of light it seams. Today I want to discuss technology in Pre-K classrooms.

Some of my peers in this district reported that young children are trying to swipe the screen of classroom computers - most of ours are five years old or older - and are surprised that they have to learn to input using a keyboard and mouse. It is a whole new world for those growing up in a touch environment and instruction will adapt. One thing that I will be pushing my District to try is the simple integration of video into pre-k classrooms. By that I mean, we should have an iPad app on tablets that is a video journal that allows young children to record themselves talking about their learning - what they did that day and have it email an entry link to their parents. Getting children used to talking about their learning should be the norm in our young child classrooms. What technology uses are you seeing in Pre-Kindergarten or what technology usage would you like to see?


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